
Updated on Jul 15, 2021 by Dr. Amr Hosny (Headache Specialist) of Advanced Headache Center

Why Do I Feel A Headache When Standing Up?

In Headaches

If you have undergone a spinal tap or received spinal anesthesia and face debilitating headaches that worsen when you stand up, do not waste time seeking medical help. You can rely on the expertise an

The Symptoms of Too Much Vitamin D

In Headaches

If you believe your headaches result from excessive vitamin D intake, seek medical assistance to ensure, you are not at risk of developing serious health risks. Relying on the most advanced diagnostic

What’s The Best Tea for Headaches?

In Headaches

If you suffer from headaches frequently but are alarmed at the side effects pain relievers and medications could have, there is no need to worry anymore. Tea is an effective way to relieve headaches a

Sinus Headaches – Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

In Headaches

If you suffer from acute discomfort due to sinus headache symptoms that make everyday life uncomfortable, seek an expert headache doctor without wasting time. Pain across the forehead, nose, and cheek

Exercise Headaches: Why You Get Headaches After Working Out?

In Headaches

If you continue to suffer from skull throbbing pain that prevents you from enjoying that refreshing feeling after a good workout, consult an expert physician to get your condition diagnosed. The exper

Barometric Pressure Headaches: What You Should Know?

In Headaches

If you experience a headache or migraine episode during certain weather conditions or changes in altitude, consult a headache specialist. Experienced and qualified physicians offer positive solutions

How to Get Relief From Sinus Headache?

In Headaches

If recurring sinus headaches prevent you from fulfilling your home and work commitments, consult pain doctors experienced in diagnosing and treating sinus pressure and pain. Top headache doctors at Ad

Everything You Need to Know About Menstrual Migraines

In Headaches

Suffering from migraine headaches along with period cramps can be the worst thing as it brings life to stand still for a few days, disrupting your routine. Do not waste any time consulting top-rated p

Headache on Left Side of Head: Causes and Treatment

In Headaches

If recurring headaches on the left side of the head make it hard for you to sleep, work or live a normal life, seek medical help. The expert pain specialist Dr.Amr Hosny at Advanced Headache Center is

What Are the Most Effective Pressure Points To Relieve Your Headache?

In Headaches

If frequently occurring headaches affect your work, life, and overall health and all other treatments have failed to alleviate pain, try acupressure pressure points. An alternative therapy, acupressur

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